
Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Mamatography 52 - Me and Mine: December

dear beautiful

Here it is - my last Mamatography post and last Me and Mine of 2014. It's been a lot of fun, but I wish I'd been able to keep up and post every week. Perhaps 2015 will be more successful. I'm looking forward to looking back through my photos and seeing how the year has progressed.

December has been fun. I love Christmas and all it has to offer. And we celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary.

Here we are on Christmas Day. All dressed up for dinner at my sister's house, where we spent the day with my family and a couple of friends.

M was much happier than she looks in these photos - she absolutely loved opening her presents, squeaking and making 'wow' sounds for every one. B was as crazy as she looks here! That's what happens when a three year old finds the mini marshmallow stash and gets more presents than she knows what to do with!

This month...
The Hubby has enjoyed:
Having great conversations with B
Going out for dinner for our wedding anniversary
Starting yoga
Listening to Pentatonix's That's Christmas to Me album
Making the pigs in blankets for Christmas Dinner

I have enjoyed:
Dinner out for our wedding anniversary
Taking B to the Pound Shop to pick out presents for family
Our Jesse Tree activities
Christmas food. Oh, so much Christmas food!
Listening to Loreena McKennit's A Midwinter Night's Dream album
Seeing B playing an angel in the Nativity at church
Seeing how excited B was to find that Father Christmas had left a bit of mince pie for her, whilst being completely unbothered about checking for gifts

B has enjoyed:
Giving out her Christmas presents
Spending time with her grandparents, uncles and aunties
Visiting her cousin
Getting an Elsa dress AND a Merida dress for Christmas. With wigs!
Getting excited about Father Christmas
Singing Christmas songs

M has enjoyed:
Listening to/watching White Winter Hymnal
Learning to sign 'milk'
Cuddling her new panda
Daddy's singing Santa hat
Opening presents 

We are taking (at least) a photo a day, a collage or a picture each week to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!
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Sunday, 14 December 2014

December 14th - Loving Father

A beard to represent St. Joseph, Jesus' dad on earth. 
We don't know much about him, but God must have made him very special to trust him to look after His son. 

Friday, 12 December 2014

December 12th - Worship Leader

David danced before the Lord. He sang and played; he wrote the psalms. In our house there is always a lot of singing going - mainly Frozen! - so this aspect of David was easy for B to grasp. And just to help, we made a tambourine. It's great!

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Mamatography - Siblings: December

dear beautiful

So much cuteness nowadays! They play together - the favourite game is when B tips out the box of blocks and M puts them all back, over and over - and they cuddle at bedtime. There's still some snatching going on, and B's dollies are ever so enticing, despite M receiving her own for her birthday, but generally they are just so cute together. M is cruising around the furniture, and B holds her hands and helps her to walk. They both find that hysterical. I love how much they love each other. 

That's a year of Siblings over. I've really enjoyed this project, and will continue in 2015. It's so lovely to look back over the photos and see how these two have changed and grown, and how they have come to love and enjoy each other.

We are taking (at least) a photo a day, a collage or a picture each week to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!
Click Get the code here below to add the blog hop to your blog and join the fun. (Also sign up to be added to a comment group!)

Monday, 8 December 2014

December 8th - Never Alone

God had a plan for Joseph. He sank to the pits, but God had a plan to bring him up to the heights.

"And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you." (Genesis 45:5 NIV)

We made a dreamcatcher because Joseph was a dreamer, but also because the belief about dreamcatchers is that they protect, just as God protected him. We watched the film of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat - starring Donny Osmond! - and I was touched by the line in one of the songs: "Children of Israel are never alone." That was the message I wanted us to take away from the story of Joseph.

Sunday, 7 December 2014

December 7th - God Watches Over Us

Genesis 28:10-22

Today we read about Jacob's dream at Bethel. God's promise to Jacob, to be with him wherever he goes, is for us too. What a comfort.

paper plate craft angel Genesis Jacob
I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go... (Genesis 28:15)

We love this angel! It's going on the top of our tree. 

Do you feel that God is watching over you always?

Saturday, 6 December 2014

December 6th - God Provides

Genesis 22:1-19

This was a great craft. Aside from cutting out the legs and head, B did all of this herself. We set her off with it, and after a couple of minutes she seemed bored and wandered off. But a bit later on, she came into the lounge with a completed lamb. So proud!

paper plate craft lamb Genesis Isaac
Abraham answered, “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” 

Are you in need? Can we pray for you?

Friday, 5 December 2014

December 5th - As Many As The Stars

Genesis 15

paper plate craft star hat Genesis Abraham
Proud to be a descendant of Abraham!

He took him outside and said, “Look up at the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” (Genesis 15:5)

Thursday, 4 December 2014

December 4th - Worth Saving

Genesis 6:9 - 9:17

We made rainbows out of paper plates today:

paper plate craft rainbow Genesis
Genesis 9:13

I explained to B that God was sad about all the meanies and had to wash them away. But that He gave us rainbows so that we know He would never do it again. We generally focus on the animals and the rainbow in the story of Noah, especially when it comes to telling children, because the full story is so hugely difficult to comprehend. How could our all-loving God do something so horrific?

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

December 3rd - Consequences

Genesis 3

Today we found out what happened when Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge. Our parenting and discipline avoids threats and punishment, relying more on the teaching that comes from the natural consequences of our actions. Anyone present at our wedding will know what I mean when I say, "Consequences!" but for those readers who didn't have that experience, suffice it to say my dad gave a very long speech, punctuated by his reminder that we have to live with consequences of our actions. This was big in our childhood and now all my friends know too! I was embarrassed at the time, but actually, his speech does make sense to me now, as a parent.

Reading the account of the Fall from the perspective of consequences rather than punishment has been helpful for me. When God said Adam and Eve would die if they ate from the tree of Knowledge, it wasn't meant to be a threat of punishment for disobedience, but a warning. God could not allow them to eat from the tree of Life and so live forever if they had allowed badness to enter their hearts. It wouldn't - couldn't - be a case of just eating the fruit and then never breaking another rule. One sin leads to another and another. Immediately, Adam and Eve hid from God and then began to lie. The rollercoaster was on the move. Paradise couldn't be allowed to filled with sin, and so Adam and Eve had to leave. Their actions broke Creation, allowing pain and toil and enmity in. The consequence of eating of the tree of Knowledge was removal from the Tree of Life, and therefore death would be inevitable.

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

December 2nd - I Am Special

Genesis 1:26 - Genesis 2:25

Today we found out about Adam and Eve, and how God made people. I tried to explain to B that she is special because God made her and loves her. She was more interested in the fact that they were naked though!

Last year we put all of our handprints on a canvas and we thought it would be nice to make a tradition out of it, so we did it again. I thought getting M's handprint was tough last year - this year was harder! She just wanted to squeeze the paint. B really enjoyed this activity - she found it difficult to wait for the hubby's and my handprints to dry so that she could do hers. I think it's such a lovely reminder of how precious our family is.

annual family handprints canvas

Monday, 1 December 2014

December 1st - Looking After the Earth

Genesis 1:1 - 2:3

Today's Jesse Tree theme was Creation. We read the Genesis account at breakfast time, but B really wasn't in the mood to listen, so instead of starting the day with crafts, we got out into nature and took a walk.

creation walk Genesis
The fresh air and exercise did us a lot of good. B calmed down; M slept most of the walk; I enjoyed being outside. As we walked, I talked about Creation with B and I was surprised to find that she had taken in quite a bit of the story at breakfast. She remembered that God made light first and then talked about Him putting a roof over the earth. She enjoyed pointing things out on our walk and telling me that God made them. We spoke about looking after the beautiful things God had made for us, and we fed the ducks as an example for her of being kind to animals.

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel - Advent Waiting

Advent has come around again. My favourite time of year. So much excitement. The joy of waiting. The cold air; the lights; the smells. I'm definitely a traditional girl when it comes to Christmas - and by traditional I mean elements of the medieval! I love the spices and the jewelled fruits, the foods that we've been eating for centuries, and the carols that were sung by our ancestors. I can't wait to celebrate Jesus' birth. Equally, I love that we can start our own traditions with our own little family. Christmas is special because I know what's coming.

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Mamatography 48 - Me and Mine: November

dear beautiful

November ran away with us. I'm so relieved that a friend sent me a photo she took of us watching the fireworks at the Christmas Lights Switch-On. M's first time in the backpack carrier; she seemed bored by the fireworks. B looks unimpressed here; I'm not sure why!

We celebrated M's first birthday with a party with hot dogs, fireworks and glow stick games in the garden. We also had a weekend away with the inlaws, though the girls were both poorly the whole time.
This month...
The hubby has enjoyed:
The new play park that has opened behind our estate
Our first evening out without the kids since M was born
M's birthday party
Kisses from M
I've enjoyed:
Celebrating M's birthday
Watching House on Netflix
All the fireworks!
My new boots - comfy and warm
Reaching another breastfeeding milestone
Date night with the hubby
B has enjoyed:
Playing with her friends
The new play park
Her musical footsteps mat
Wearing a cape like Queen Elsa
Getting dressed by herself
M has enjoyed:
Doing "Cheers!" with drinks
Cruising around the furniture
Eating her birthday cake
Cuddling her new dollies
Playing with musical instruments


We are taking (at least) a photo a day, a collage or a picture each week to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!

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Thursday, 27 November 2014

Pumpkin Pie Cupcakes

M's first birthday party was at the weekend. We had fireworks and soup and hot dogs and glow stick games. It was such a fantastic party. I gave cupcakes as the adult favours - Toffee Apple and Pumpkin Pie. I searched all over for a pumpkin cupcake recipe and couldn't find one I liked, so I had to make one up. Here it is, in case you are in the same predicament.

pumpkin pie cupcakes with toasted marshamallow frosting
This recipe made 12 beautifully fluffy cupcakes, and oh, they were delicious!

For the cakes:
• Melt 125g butter over a low heat. Once melted, turn up the heat a bit and cook until the butter turns golden. Strain into a bowl and discard the burnt bits. Set aside.
NOTE: Use a metal sieve or tea strainer - plastic ones will melt, as I learned the hard way!

Monday, 10 November 2014

Mamatography 45: Siblings - November

dear beautiful
We're approaching one year of these two being sisters, and they're still as lovely as ever together. With M on the verge of walking, will the cameraderie last? I hope so. I love seeing B helping her little sister - pushing her in a swing, brushing her teeth, fetching her books to look at. And it's so precious to wake to find them cuddling each other after B has got into bed with us in the night.


They're a great little double act now. M has developed a fondness for emptying the kitchen drawers; B helpfully puts the contents back in. B likes to help me hang up the washing; M likes to pull the clothes off the airer. When B isn't around, M gets bored, and, surprisingly, I get less done when I only have M to look after than when they're both with me! 
I think back to this time last year. I was so worried about whether B would cope with the new baby; I didn't know how I would look after two children; I was scared that I wouldn't love the baby as much as I loved B, or that B would feel forgotten and unloved. Needless worries. B loved M immediately. Adored her, despite her anger towards the hubby and myself. Somehow I have survived being a mother of two. And as for the love - I can hardly believe that I was worried about that. I love them both so very much. I struggle to remember what life was like before M. I can't imagine life without her. Though I know I miss having time with just B and me. That's something to strive for in the next year.

We are taking (at least) a photo a day, a collage or a picture each week to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!
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Friday, 31 October 2014

Mamatography 43: Me and Mine - October

dear beautiful
October came and went incredibly quickly. The weather has been surprisingly mild and so the dark evenings have come almost as a shock. I struggle in the winter months with Seasonal Affective Disorder, but the sunshine has enabled me to get out a bit more, hopefully alleviating some of the SADness for this year. We've had a busy month. Lots of visits, including meeting up with (almost all) my uni housemates. It's 10 years since we lived together! Amazing to see how much we've all changed, and yet how comfortable we all still were with each other.
B has almost mastered toilet training this month. A relief, but also the speed she has got it this time around just goes to show that people are right when they say you need to wait until they're truly ready.
M is on the verge of standing independently, just a couple of weeks from her 1st birthday!
Both girls have been going to bed at the same time for a few weeks now, which has allowed the hubby and me to have some time together in the evenings. However, I do miss my time to myself, watching Foyle's War whilst nursing M, which I had been enjoying when B went to bed first with Daddy's help. And M has suddenly started waking up ridiculously early - like 3 or 4 am!! - and refusing to go back to sleep, wanting to play and chat. It's difficult being awake from that time in the morning and then not getting any alone time all day. This introvert is certainly struggling. The hubby often takes her downstairs to play for a bit at about 5:30/6ish, but I find it difficult to get back to sleep, ironically.
We're now on the countdown to M's first birthday. I can't believe how quickly the time has gone.

This was taken in St. Albans where we had a great day catching up with old friends. 

This month...
The hubby has enjoyed:
Spending more time with me in the evenings
Seeing B learning more
Meeting up with old friends
Having his first (and last!!) kebab
A lads' night out

I've enjoyed:
Celebrating my Dad's 60th birthday 
Catching up with a variety of old friends
Doing more craft activities with B
The slow cooker meals we prepped in advance with friends
Flourishing friendships
The colours of autumn 

B has enjoyed:
Angelina Ballerina
Wearing big girl pants
Jumping in puddles 
Reading fairy tales 
Winning Pass the Parcel at Granddad's party

M has enjoyed:
Emptying drawers
Drinking out of an open cup
Playing with daddy early in the morning

We are taking (at least) a photo a day, a collage or a picture each week to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!
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Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Mamatography 40: Siblings - October

dear beautiful

These two are growing closer as they get older. Now that M is crawling - very speedily, I might add! - she will gladly follow B like a faithful puppy. I often catch them looking quite mischievous together, and I dread to think what shenanigans they'll get up to in the future!
B often hugs M, saying, "You're my best sister," which is heart-meltingly beautiful, and she informed me that she and M will be getting married soon. There are hugs aplenty and, as M is particularly fond of kissing now, many kisses too. And so much laughter. They really do amuse each other. M especially is still finding everything B does to be hilarious, and we love listening to them together. I find it a great help that B is able to keep M entertained, as I can get on with some extra jobs. It's great to hear B singing M's favourite songs to her. 
I'm looking forward to hearing their conversations when M can talk.  

We are taking (at least) a photo a day, a collage or a picture each week to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!
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Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Mamatography 39: Me and Mine - September

dear beautiful

A couple of weeks ago we met up at Belton House with some really good friends. We are godparents for their children; they are godparents for ours. They live a really long way away, so we don't see them as much as we would like to. But Belton House - a National Trust location - is almost equidistant between us and is perfect for a day out with small children. I think meeting up there is going to be a regular occurrence now!

This month's photo was taken that day. The hubby and I look so happy; the girls look tired. Signs that a great day was had by all!

This month:
The Hubby has enjoyed...
Being a part of a family team
Laughing with the kids 
Hanging out with me
Being more organised with the house Helping M to walk
Reading with B

I have enjoyed...
M's cute baby kisses
Seeing my best friend
Watching Foyle's War on Netflix
The opportunity to read with B at bedtime
Taking M swimming for the first time 
Meeting some of our neighbours for the first time

B has enjoyed...
Seeing her Great Grandparents
Seeing all her godparents in one month
Reading all the new books she got for her birthday 
Putting her "babies" to sleep on all the chairs in the lounge

M has enjoyed...
Kissing people 
Singing 'Wind the Bobbin Up'
Climbing the stairs 
Taking the back off the remote

We are taking (at least) a photo a day, a collage or a picture each week to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!
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Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Mamatography 36: Siblings - September

dear beautiful

These kids crack me up! The hubby and I are of the firm opinion that they are the most hilarious people we know. M especially is always laughing about something - usually B, but sometimes the cause of her amusement is lost to us. 

M follows B around now, quite earnestly. On occasion M has been torn between coming to me and going to B. She crawls back and forth, giggling hysterically, but much of the time B wins. She just has to see what her big sister is up to. They are both still thrilled to see each other every morning. There are cuddles and kisses galore. 

But there are screams and tears too. M's speedy crawling means she's much more capable of grabbing the toys she wants. Unfortunately, they tend to be the toys B is playing with. Snatching and tight grips ensue, but we insist that whoever had it first gets to keep it as long as they want. The rule is that if you leave it, you're at risk of losing it. Luckily for B, M gets bored quickly! It's useful in teaching B the merits of tidying up too - if she wants her belongings to avoid being chewed/ripped/etc. then she has to pick them up and put them away. So far, this has an 80% success rate!

I just can't get over how fond these girls are of each other. It's so wonderful to see the delight they have when they are together.  


We are taking (at least) a photo a day, a collage or a picture each week to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!

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Thursday, 4 September 2014

Three Years Old!

Last week we celebrated B's third birthday. I know it's a cliche, but honestly, where did the time go?! She's so grown up now. I love her face and her cheekiness. I love that she's reached the age where the word "bottom" is funny. I love how she cuddles me and says that she loves my arms. I love that she tells the Hubby to drive safely when he leaves the house. I love that we can have proper conversations.

I wanted to capture her and record who she is right now. It's not really possible, but I found the idea of doing a birthday questionnaire each year to show a fragment of changing personality. Here are her answers, as she gave them:

1. What is your favourite colour? 

Sunday, 31 August 2014

Mamatography 35 - Me and Mine: August

dear beautiful

Our family photo this month was taken at my sister-in-law's wedding. Here we are in the grounds at the reception venue, before the meal. The girls looked lovely. B was a Flower Girl, and M had a matching dress. The Hubby was suited and booted as a Groomsman, and looked incredibly handsome. After months of searching for a dress that would fit, look good and allow breastfeeding access, I had to settle for a maternity/nursing dress from JoJo Maman Bebe. A lovely dress, but not what I had been looking for - jersey, so a bit too clingy really. Still, I got to wear my beautiful, beautiful shoes. The most comfortable pair of heels I have ever owned! I'm quite happy with this photo - I look much better than I thought I did. The hubby looks really happy too.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Mamatography 33 - Keeping Up With The Bake Off

Banoffee Swiss Roll - proud of my first Swiss Roll! Only a tiny crack. Too much filling though. 
Individual Boiled Fruit Cakes - perfect for Christmas gifts. 
Savoury Biscuits - Gluten Free, cheesey. Packed with protein!

I've fallen way behind and I haven't even watched episode 3 of the Bake Off. I have to focus on my children, though, no matter how much I love my baking!


We are taking (at least) a photo a day, a collage or a picture each week to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!

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Saturday, 16 August 2014

One Thing I Have Learnt

Today is my 31st birthday. I wanted to write a clever blog with 31 inspiring things I've learnt in my life, etc., but I couldn't really think of 31 things that would be at all interesting to anyone. 

There is one thing I have learnt though. Other people will be the way they are no matter what we do. It's rare that we can change someone else's behaviour, and so we can only be responsible for our own. Some people will be unkind or rude or challenging or dishonest, no matter how we behave towards them. And so, no matter how hard it is, we must be kind. That is the only thing that will raise us up. To be unkind will only bring us down to their level. 

Mother Teresa put it so much better:

Or, in the words of Bill S. Preston Esq., "Be excellent to each other!" (Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure)

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Mamatography 32: Siblings - August

dear beautiful

Sometimes I try to set up lovely photos of these two, and the pictures I get are never as lovely as the natural ones, the pictures of their spontaneous love for each other. B loves to kiss and stroke and cuddle M. M doesn't seem phased by it! 
M has entered a screeching phase. Her high pitched screams make my ears ring. She's learnt it from B though. The pair of them enjoy sitting at the kitchen table, screaming and laughing at each other. The hubby and I don't enjoy it quite so much, though the glee on their faces is a little infectious!
B is getting used to M's mobile status. She's not entirely happy that her little sister can get to her toys with much greater ease, but she does like the fact that M shuffles around to look for her and they both grin when she is found. M misses B when she's not around, and will nurse more because she doesn't have her big sister to watch and be entertained by. 
They are lovely together and I so enjoy seeing them become better friends each day. 


We are taking (at least) a photo a day, a collage or a picture each week to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!

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Saturday, 9 August 2014

Mamatography 31 - Keeping Up with The Bake Off

The Great British Bake Off is back. We love it in our house. And this year I have set myself the challenge to keep up with the Bake Off. Every week I'm going to try to make each of the items the contestants have made. It will force me to learn some new baking skills, but I'm also using it as an opportunity to do something fun with B. 
First out of the oven is Mary Berry's Cherry Cake. It gave me the chance to use the bundt tin I got for Christmas. B loved making this cake - I got her to chop all the cherries herself, with a sharp(ish!) knife, and she did a surprisingly awesome job. I was so impressed. She helped to operate the electric mixer too, which heretofore she has been afraid of, and she did the decoration. M was meant to be having a nap, but wasn't interested, so we gave her a mixing bowl and a tiny wooden spoon, which kept her occupied for ages. 
For our first attempt, I think we did pretty well, though it was a little dry. Very tasty though. 
Next up are Swiss Roll and some individual cakes. 


We are taking (at least) a photo a day, a collage or a picture each week to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!

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