Thanks for hopping over from Milk and Mummy, and welcome to my post for the Keep Britain Breastfeeding Scavenger Hunt: Day 7 - The End of the Journey.
Sponsors today include Close Parent, who are providing an organic Close Caboo Organic Carrier; a £20 voucher from Burble Baby; and a breastfeeding necklace of your choice from Baby Beads for our Grand Prize winner. Over £700 worth of goodies are up for grabs - get your entries via the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post.
Sponsors today include Close Parent, who are providing an organic Close Caboo Organic Carrier; a £20 voucher from Burble Baby; and a breastfeeding necklace of your choice from Baby Beads for our Grand Prize winner. Over £700 worth of goodies are up for grabs - get your entries via the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post.
Back in April, I realised B hadn't fed for a while, but I hadn't noticed straight away. I wrote her a letter: To My First Nursling. It was an emotional time, but it was only the end of one leg of my breastfeeding journey. For her it was over. And perhaps, one day, if she has children of her own, she will start another leg of her journey with them. I am still feeding M, and she shows no signs of stopping any time soon. When she does, I hope it will be as gentle and child led as B's weaning was. Maybe I will be feeding another baby then. Continuing on the same road, but with a whole new set of experiences - some familiar, others brand new.
There are times when I wish I wasn't still breastfeeding. It's been nearly four years, without a break. I'd like to wear a dress that doesn't have easy boob access. I'd like to sit down for 5 minutes without hearing a demand for "millllllk!" But, for all the money in the world, I wouldn't force M to stop. I worked so hard to get breastfeeding up and running. And she loves it so much. Her smile when she sees me unclasp my bra; her kisses when she requests a feed; the sparkle in her eye as she nurses. It's all just too much cuteness. I believe weaning should be slow and soft, and in the child's time. We'll do it together, and I will survive the end, whenever and however it comes. But I shall never forget the flutter of baby eyelashes as they fall asleep at the breast, or the awkward positions they have fed in so that they don't miss out on whatever is going on, or milky smiles that ruin a good latch.
Now enter the competition, using the Rafflecopter below:
Now enter the competition, using the Rafflecopter below:
Following on from my stories, please do hop over to Just Motherhood to read about her journey's end, and to be in with more chances to enter the grand prize draw. Remember you need to earn 50 points to be eligible; full details can be found on the Keep Britain Breastfeeding Site.
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