
Thursday, 10 April 2014

Mamatography 14: Siblings - April

It's so lovely to watch the developing relationship between my beautiful girls. B loves to cuddle M, and the other day she spontaneously said, "I love you," as she was hugging her. I have to admit, I did shed a little tear! B also calls M "my precious lady," which she's heard the hubby calling us.
As M is getting more interested in her toys, so is B - she loves to play with the baby toys, but is very insistent that she is sharing. She's very helpful in finding things for M to play with and in showing her books. I do think B is desperate for M to grow into a playmate, as she keeps talking about what they will do when M is bigger. She has big plans!
M is still besotted with B. She watches her constantly and smiles and laughs at everything B does. We're already getting the feeling that she's going to be one of those little sisters that grins when her sibling is caught doing something they shouldn't, whilst also being the one encouraging them in the first place! She also shouts at B to get her attention, which does make us laugh.

dear beautiful

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  1. Awww calling her My Precious Lady is so sweet. It looks like they really love each other x

  2. Aw, so sweet! My 4yo DD is occasionally snuggly and sweet with my 2yo DS, but more often she is kicking him (literally) off the couch or tackling him... he does think the world of her, though!
