We went to a G themed fancy dress party and decided to go as Greek Gods. Here you see Athena, Nike, Dionysus and Artemis. It's amazing what you can achieve with some Ikea bedding and a handful of fake foliage!
This is us when we stopped for lunch on our way back from a wonderful week's holiday in North Wales. We had so much fun and took loads of photos, but I suddenly realised on our return journey that we hadn't taken a single one of the four of us together!
This month:
The hubby has enjoyed...
The hot weather and the sun
Getting a tan
Going on holiday
Spending the day at Gypsy Wood
Swimming in the sea
I've enjoyed...
Going on holiday and being cooked for by my mum and dad
Listening to B singing the Goat song from The Troll
Making our Greek gods costumes
Being able to put M down for some of her naps, which has allowed me to have some one to one time with B
Swimming in the sea
Spending time with my youngest brother
B has enjoyed...
Stacking cups
Playing Safari Bingo with her uncle
Hearing people tell stories of things that have happened to them
Listening to The Troll by Julia Donaldson
Meeting the Fairy Queen at Gypsy Wood
M has enjoyed...
Learning to sit up by herself
Watching videos of B
Pulling herself up to standing
Eating risotto

We are taking (at least) a photo a day, a collage or a picture each week to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!
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