
Sunday, 11 May 2014

Baby Led Weaning - Week 2

M is seriously loving food! Here's a run down of what she's eaten this week, with some beautifully messy photos:

Breakfast - buttered toast fingers
Lunch - sleeping
Dinner - homemade pizza; onion ring; red pepper

Breakfast - buttered toast fingers - we're not very imaginative when it comes to breakfast!
Lunch - beef stew; cheesy mashed potatoes; steamed courgette, carrot & broccoli
Tea - eggy bread; banana

Breakfast - toast
Lunch - organic beef burger; roasted squash; baked potato; steamed carrot & courgette; strawberry
Tea - banana; buttered rice cake 

Breakfast - toast fingers with soft cheese
Lunch - egg and bacon pie; roasted squash, carrots and courgette. 
Tea - banana; smooth peanut butter on rice cake 

Breakfast - toast fingers
Lunch - fish finger; oven chips; carrots; 
Tea - pitta bread pizza; banana

Breakfast - toast fingers with smooth peanut butter
Lunch - pitta bread pizza; apple
Dinner - homemade venison burger; sweet potato wedges; cheese; red pepper slices

Breakfast - my porridge!
Dinner - we ate out today and M enjoyed bits and pieces from everyone else's plates.

Don't panic - I won't be providing our meal planner every week! I wanted to provide a snapshot of the variety of foods a baby led weaning baby can eat. She basically just has whatever we do, which works because we eat very little salt. I cut veg and meat into easily holdable 'fingers', which we can all enjoy and enable M to pick her food up by herself. I offer smaller pieces, like peas and blueberries, but she doesn't have the pincer grip to pick them up yet. We've had a couple of gagging incidents, but this time round I am surprisingly chilled about them; I know she can sort it herself, so it's not a worry.

Join me next week, and I might even post about poo!

Week 1

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