
Monday 23 June 2014

Nursing In Public: It's Not All Bad

I'll feed anytime, anywhere!
It seems that every week or so there is another story of a breastfeeding mother told to cover up or feed in a toilet, or asked to leave or called a slut or worse for breastfeeding in public. We can be forgiven for trepidation at feeding our babies/toddlers when out and about. But, in all honesty, I haven't had a single negative experience of breastfeeding in public. I haven't had any super positive, applause-all-around type experiences either. It has always been a very ordinary activity. No one seems to be bothered or even aware. No funny looks, no snide comments, no disgusted muttering. And isn't that how it's meant to be? Normal, ordinary, a fact of life.

Using the SNS in public has encouraged a few conversations though. People are intrigued by the bottle and tubing, and their questions lead me to talk about my experience, my disorder and using donor milk, in turn allowing others to talk about their own experiences. It's sad to hear the number of negative starts to breastfeeding people have had, the appalling lack of support available from health care providers. What I find most amazing about conversations inspired by seeing me feed with the SNS are the ones I have with dads. Breastfeeding isn't something that we hear men talking about very often, and when their partners have had a difficult start, I think they are affected more than people realise. It's not just the mum that struggles. Dads go into protective mode and want to make sure their babies are fed by whatever means necessary. This is why it is important that fathers are educated about breastfeeding, so that they can support their wives appropriately at what can be a very stressful time. 

Sorry - I went off on a tangent there, but it's related in that by nursing in public, we can not only make breastfeeding an ordinary fact of life once more, but we may well be able to educate and support others by our actions. So, don't be frightened by the negative stories; be inspired by the positive ones. And start some positive stories yourself by nursing in public or by shooting a big smile at someone you spot feeding their baby when out and about.

You've found the Scavenger Hunt logo! Now enter the giveaway below:

 Now visit one of the Scavenger Hunt sponsors:

Feed Me Mummy - The breastfeeding vest that restricts the view, not your wardrobe.
My Feed Me Mummy vest has been really useful in boosting my confidence when feeding out and about, because it allows me to wear more of my clothes without worrying about having my boobs on show.
They're offering a Feed Me Mummy Breastfeeding Vest Combo (a black & a white vest) for the Grand Prize.

To find more positive stories during the Scavenger Hunt - check out some of the other blogs here:
Life With Pink Princesses
Sorry About The Mess
Attachment Feminism
Keeping Up With The Jones Family
Diddle Diddle Dumpling  

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  1. Never had a problem feeding in public - generally people didn't even notice.

  2. invest in a shawl for privacy

  3. I was never brave enough :(

  4. Act confident, even if you don't feel it. You will find that soon enough it's not an act anymore.

  5. I've never had a single comment made. I was worried to start with after reading stories in the news. But not so much as a look from anyone.

  6. Know your rights and don't give in to misinformed people trying to stop you.

  7. Practice in places you know are not too busy like the local cafe or park or even your garden before going to busier places

  8. i dont have any experience (baby due in sept) but i have got a nursing scarf in order to give me more confidence

  9. Sarah Strickland27 June 2014 at 22:06

    I was feeding for the first time in the John Lewis cafe and imagined that I was getting disapproving glances from the elderly couple sat next to us. But after we finished, they started chatting - turned out they'd just been giving us some space. After that, I felt much more confident.

  10. Lynsey Buchanan28 June 2014 at 14:17

    A Nursing Shawl is great to discreetly breastfeed in public

  11. I think the more you hide away the more people will notice, just be proud and do what comes naturally x

    (Pia S)

  12. I'm really shy and hated the thought of nursing in public, I'm now quite confident at it, I don't like to cover baby with a blanket as I find it makes it more obvious. I wear nursing clothes and bras and no one seems to notice.

  13. no problems in 3 month worth of public nursing
